Informationssammlung zu den Protesten nach dem Tod von Mahsa Amini

Am 13. September 2022 wurde Mahsa Amini von der Sittenpolizei (Gascht-e-Erschad) festgenommen wegen des Vorwurfs, den Hidschab nicht ordnungsmäß zu tragen. Berichten zufolge wurde sie in Polzeigewahrsam geschlagen. Sie kam ins Krankenhaus, ihr Tod am 16. September 2022 löste landesweite Proteste aus.

Eine regelmäßig aktualisierte Überblickskarte zu den Orten der Proteste:

  • Lagekarte: Landkarte zu den seit 16. September 2022 anhaltenden Protesten

    Mapping the Protests in Iran (Spezieller Bericht oder Analyse, Englisch)

    Analyse von Daten zur Protestbewegung:

    Die neuesten Dokumente zum Thema

    Folgende Dokumente aus einer Suche nach mit den Protesten zusammenhängenden Begriffen bieten einen Einblick in aktuelle Geschehnisse rund um die Proteste: (Weitere Dokumente, sowie die Möglichkeit, die Suche anzupassen, finden Sie unter diesem Suchlink.)

    Berücksichtigte Synonyme: jina amini, mahsa amini, (neka naka nika) shakarami, zhina amini
    • Kurzer Überblick zu aktuellen Entwicklungen (Sicherheitslage, Politik, Wirtschaft) in ausgewählten Ländern

      Briefing Notes (KW29/2024) (Periodischer Bericht, Deutsch)

      • Im August 2023 waren die Frauen im Vorfeld des ersten Todestages von Jina Mahsa Amini verhaftet und anschließend erstinstanzlich verurteilt worden (vgl. BN v. 21.08.23 u. 03.06.24). Beiden Aktivistinnen seien u.a. die Mitgliedschaft und Bildung von illegalen Gruppierungen sowie Gefährdung der nationalen Sicherheit vorgeworfen worden.
    • Analyse von außen- und innenpolitischen Entwicklungen des Tages im Iran sowie im Gazastreifen (bzgl. Konflikten mit den israelischen Streitkräften)

      Iran Update, July 6, 2024 (Periodischer Bericht, Englisch)

      • The regime previously engineered the election results between reformist Mir Hossein Mousavi and hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009, which galvanized a months-long anti-regime protest wave.[25] The regime might be particularly wary of public unrest given that it recently suppressed the 2022-2023 Mahsa Amini movement and that much of the Iranian population still holds sociocultural, political […] id=56781 [24] [25] [26] ;
    • Artikel zu neu gewähltem Präsidenten Massud Peseschkian

      Iran's new president gives hope to some women and younger voters (Medienbericht, Englisch)

      • He has previously lamented the death in police custody [] of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who had been arrested for an alleged violation of the law. Her death sparked massive nationwide protests, unlike any the country had ever seen.
    • Analyse von außen- und innenpolitischen Entwicklungen des Tages im Iran sowie im Westjordanland, im Gazastreifen, Irak und Jemen (bzgl. Konflikten mit den israelischen Streitkräften)

      Iran Update, July 1, 2024 (Periodischer Bericht, Englisch)

      • candidacy as an effort on the part of the regime to contribute to an “illusion of democracy” and an attempt by the regime to legitimize the elections.“[7] The June 28 voter turnout rate was nevertheless unprecedently low at 40 percent, with the lowest recorded rates in Kermanshah, Kurdistan and Tehran provinces.[8] It is noteworthy that a significant percentage of anti-regime protests during the Mahsa […] Amini movement occurred in Kurdistan and Tehran provinces, suggesting continued disillusionment with the Iranian regime in these regions.[9] Khamenei and segments of Iran’s clerical establishment have indirectly demonstrated a preference Jalili in recent days, making a Pezeshkian win unlikely regardless of how many votes he receives.Khamenei expressed foreign and nuclear policy views on June […] irans-supreme-leader-election-boycott-president-regime-hlxmq9pcn [6] https://t dot co/CE9YRcOwnl [7] [8] ; https://www.irna dot ir/news/85524363/ ; ; https://www.mashreghnews dot ir/news/1619051/ [9]
    • Jahresbericht zur Religionsfreiheit (Berichtszeitraum 2023)

      2023 Report on International Religious Freedom: Iran (Periodischer Bericht, Englisch)

      • A June report by the UN Secretary-General stated that ethnic and religious minorities were “significantly affected” in the context of the nationwide protests following the September 2022 death in custody of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini, a Sunni Kurdish citizen whom the “morality police” (Gasht-e Ershad, literally “guidance patrol”) detained for allegedly wearing her hijab improperly and thereby violating […] In an August 24 report, the UN Special Rapporteur Rehman stated he was “alarmed by the level of violence used against protestors, in particular targeting religious and ethnic minorities” participating in antigovernment demonstrations sparked by the September 2022 death of Mahsa Amini. […] According to United for Iran’s Iran Prison Atlas, the government dramatically increased sentences involving flogging after the 2022 protests that followed the death of Mahsa Amini. According to the NGO’s August report, the imposition of lashes in court sentences quadrupled over the previous year, with at least 13 women and 104 men receiving sentences totaling 7,404 lashes. […] After a Supreme Court decision to overturn the original guilty verdict and death sentence due to a “flaw in the investigation,” authorities continued to incarcerate Kurdish singer and songwriter Saman Yasin (Seydi), a Yarsani who was arrested and charged in late 2022 with “enmity against God” for supporting the nationwide protests against the killing of Mahsa Amini. […] Treasury Department designated 29 individuals and entities in connection with the violent repression of nationwide protests following the death of Mahsa Amini while in the custody of the morality police after its officers detained her for allegedly wearing her hijab improperly and thereby violating the country’s Islamic dress code.
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    Folgende Dokumente bieten Hintergrundinformationen zu den Protesten:

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