Information on military service, conscription, and mobilization

The following publications by EUAA, the Danish Immigration Service and the Swedish Migration Agency provide background information:

For earlier developments, see our previous information collection on the partial military mobilization (last update in March 2023).

The most recent documents on the issue

These are the most recent documents from a search for terms related to the topics: (You can find more, and customise your search under this search link.)

Considered synonyms: combat, combat service, combat services, deserters, deserteur, deserteure, desertions, draft, drafts, einberufung, einberufung, einberufungen, einberufungen, fahnenflucht, heeresdienst, heeresdienst, heeresdienste, heeresdienste, kriegsdienst, kriegsdienst, kriegsdienste, kriegsdienste, military draft, military drafts, military service, military services, militärdienst, militärdienst, militärdienste, militärdienste, präsenzdiener, präsenzdiener, präsenzdienerin, präsenzdienerin, präsenzdienerinnen, präsenzdiener·in, präsenzdiener·in, präsenzdiener·innen, präsenzdienst, präsenzdienst, präsenzdienste, präsenzdienste, rekrut, rekruten, rekruten, rekrutin, rekrutin, rekrutinnen, rekrut·in, rekrut·in, rekrut·innen, services, waffendienst, waffendienst, waffendienste, waffendienste, wehrdienst, wehrdienst, wehrpflicht, wehrpflicht, wehrpflichtige, wehrpflichtige, wehrpflichtiger, wehrpflichtiger, wehrpflichtige·r, wehrpflichtige·r
  • Analysis of military and security-related developments of the day

    Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 25, 2024 (Special or Analytical Report, English)

    • approach to within tube artillery range of Kharkiv City * Russian Subordinate Main Effort #2 – Capture the remainder of Luhansk Oblast and push westward into eastern Kharkiv Oblast and encircle northern Donetsk Oblast * Russian Subordinate Main Effort #3 – Capture the entirety of Donetsk Oblast * Russian Supporting Effort – Southern Axis * Russian Air, Missile, and Drone Campaign * Russian Mobilization […] Russian Mobilization and Force Generation Efforts (Russian objective: Expand combat power without conducting general mobilization) A Russian milblogger claimed that the Russian Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation, and Navy of Russia (DOSAAF) will begin training unspecified Russian military personnel on October 1, 2024.[65] DOSAAF has been involved in Russian military recruitment […] The Russian military continues to advertise Russian military service with promises of large payments and the suspension of debts, loans, and criminal charges. […] posted a Russian military recruitment advertisement advertising a 1.3 million ruble (about $14,700) one-time payment, a 210,000 ruble (about $2,400) monthly salary, the suspension of judicial proceedings on debts and loans, and the possibility of expunging a criminal record.[67] Russian Federation Council approved a law on December 23, 2022, that suspends legal proceedings against mobilized servicemen […] and volunteers who participate in the war, and President Vladimir Putin signed a law on March 23, 2024, that releases individuals from criminal liability if they are called up for mobilization or sign military service contracts.[68] Ukrainian military observer Kostyantyn Mashovets provided additional detail on June 25 regarding the Russian Airborne (VDV) forces' use of assault companies, which
  • Taganrog: Student sentenced to 9 years in a penal colony for allegedly attempting to join the "Freedom of Russia Legion", which is designated as a terrorist organisation

    Sentence to Taganrog student continues trend of punishments for treason (Media Report, English)

    • The court found him guilty of treason and attempting to recruit into a banned terrorist organization. The sentence to Poruchikov fits into the series of punishments imposed in practice for such charges,Evgeny Smirnov, an advocate, has noted, adding that, based on the judicial practice, there is practically no chance that the verdict may be commuted.
  • Analysis of military and security-related developments of the day

    Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 24, 2024 (Special or Analytical Report, English)

    • and Force Generation Efforts (Russian objective: Expand combat power without conducting general mobilization) The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) proposed depriving all Russian military districts of their status as joint headquarters. […] issuing medals and bonuses to Russian servicemen. […] The mobilized serviceman stated that the Russian military command does not adequately recognize Russian servicemen for their battlefield achievements with awards or properly care for wounded personnel.[87] Another milblogger responded to this letter claiming that many commanders value loyalty most from their soldiers so that each commander creates the perception that their leadership roles are […] .[92] Putin signed a law in December 2023 which allowed conscripts to serve in the FSB. […] "[97] Another Russian milblogger also claimed that Western organizations are trying to "infiltrate" and "recruit" local political power blocs in Moldova.[98] Kremlin newswireTASS amplified claims by Kremlin-affiliated Governor of the Moldovan autonomous region of Gagauzia Yevgenia Gutsul about how Moldovan authorities revoked the license of Moldovan gas company NordGaz, which planned to supply
  • Analysis of military and security-related developments of the day

    Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 23, 2024 (Special or Analytical Report, English)

    • and Force Generation Efforts (Russian objective: Expand combat power without conducting general mobilization) Russia continues to codify efforts to build out its reserve over the long term. […] Russian Federation Council's Scientific Committee noted on June 20 that the Russian MoD alreadyde facto controlled both cadet corps, and that this law is intended to make this ade jure reality and eliminate a bureaucratic gap in the legislation.[85] The Cossack Cadet Corps and other Russian cadet corps are both important aspects of Russia's reserve system, as they prepare children and youth for military […] service and provide a military recruitment pipeline for educated and qualified recruits. […] that do not fall under the Cossack organizational umbrella.[87] Under the new law, all 31 of Russia's Cossack Cadet Corps will fall under Russian MoD jurisdiction—creating a larger mobilization pool of well-educated recruits for the long-term.[88] An investigation by Bloomberg highlighted a surge in crimes committed by Russian servicemembers upon their return to Russia after fighting in Ukraine […] .[89]Bloomberg analyzed Russian court data that shows that crimes committed by Russian servicemembers (particularly violent crimes, theft, and drug-related incidents) increased by over 20 percent in 2023, which excludes crimes committed by ex-convict recruits who return to Russia after their deployment in Ukraine.Bloomberg noted that court data shows a 62 percent increase in indecent assaults
  • Analysis of military and security-related developments of the day

    Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 22, 2024 (Special or Analytical Report, English)

    • * Russian law enforcement and security agencies continue working with the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) to recruit those accused of criminal offenses into the Russian military, likely as part of ongoing crypto-mobilization efforts. […] and Force Generation Efforts (Russian objective: Expand combat power without conducting general mobilization) Russian law enforcement and security agencies continue working with the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) to recruit those accused of criminal offenses into the Russian military, likely as part of ongoing crypto-mobilization efforts. […] Kremlin-affiliated business outletKommersant reported on June 22 that the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), Federal Security Service (FSB), Ministry of Emergency Situations (MChS), Federal Customs Service (FTS), and Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) are establishing relations with military registration and enlistment offices in order to offer male defendants ages 18 to 65 military service […] his military service contract and will completely terminate the case against an individual if he receives a state award, is injured or killed in Ukraine, or upon the "completion" of the "Special Military Operation." […] President Vladimir Putin signed a law on March 23, 2024 that releases individuals from criminal liability if they are called up for mobilization or sign military service contracts.[73] ISW continues to assess that Russian authorities are using these measures to coerce people into military service through accusations with increasingly suspect evidence, especially as this procedure notably does
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