Information related to the recent fighting

Background information

The following reports and articles explain the background of the recent fighting:

The most recent documents on the issue

These are the most recent documents from a search for terms related to the fighting: (You can find more, and customise your search under this search link.)

Considered synonyms: al burhan, rapid support forces
  • Article on communal kitchens providing support to people in need

    ‘We survive together’: The communal kitchens fighting famine in Khartoum (Media Report, English)

    • Sudan’s war began in April 2023 and pits the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) against the regular army.
  • Article on malnutrition, especially of children, due to the armed conflict

    Sudan's children going hungry as famine looms - Unicef (Media Report, English)

    • The pillars of Sudan's food economy have collapsed, and both warring parties - the Sudanese army and a paramilitary group called the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) - are restricting the delivery of desperately needed aid.
  • North Darfur: Pharmacy of MSF-supported Saudi hospital in El Fasher attacked by paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF)

    People trapped, aid blocked, as UN resolution fails to stop fighting in El Fasher (Appeal or News Release, English)

    • North Darfur: Pharmacy of MSF-supported Saudi hospital in El Fasher attacked by paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF)
    • Norddarfur: Apotheke des von MSF unterstützten saudischen Krankenhauses in El Faschir von paramilitärischen Rapid Support Forces (RSF) beschossen
    • On the night of Friday 21 June, Rapid Support Forces (RSF) shelling hit the pharmacy of the MSF-supported Saudi hospital in El Fasher. A pharmacist was killed while on her shift, and the pharmacy building was damaged. Although the hospital remains open and is still treating patients today, it has been damaged and is only partially functional.
  • El Fasher: clashes beween Rapid upport Forces (RSF) and Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have lead to killings, fleeing and starvation of civilians

    Sudan: Unlawful Attacks on Civilians, Infrastructure (Appeal or News Release, English)

    • El Fasher: Zusammenstöße zwischen den Rapid Support Forces (RSF) und den sudanesischen Streitkräften (SAF) haben zu Tötungen, Flucht und Verhungern von Zivilist·innen geführt
    • “Since mid-May, Sudan’s warring parties have pounded populated areas of El Fasher with no apparent regard for the civilians there, while the Rapid Support Forces are burning down residential areas and deliberately targeting hospitals,” saidMohamed Osman [], researcher for the Africa division at Human Rights Watch. […] Clashes in El Fasher between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and their allied militias against Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and their allied joint forces escalated in mid-May. […] On June 8, Rapid Support Forces attacked South Hospital. Fighters entered the hospital shooting, forcing patients, their relatives, and medical staff to flee. A Health Ministry official said the RSF beat him and two other doctors. The forces alsolooted medical supplies and equipment []. The hospital was forced to close.
  • El Fasher: clashes beween Rapid upport Forces (RSF) and Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have lead to killings, fleeing and starvation of civilians

    Soudan : Attaques illégales contre des civils et des infrastructures (Appeal or News Release, French)

    • El Fasher: Zusammenstöße zwischen den Rapid Support Forces (RSF) und den sudanesischen Streitkräften (SAF) haben zu Tötungen, Flucht und Verhungern von Zivilist·innen geführt
    • Les affrontements à El-Fasher, entre d’une part les Forces armées soudanaises (SAF) et leurs forces alliées, et d’autre part les Forces de soutien rapide ( Rapid Support Forces, RSF) et leurs milices alliées, se sont intensifiés à la mi-mai.
  • Article on famine amide the war

    Sudan conflict: Millions face starvation as war rages (Media Report, English)

    • The country is being destroyed by a war between the Sudanese army and a paramilitary group, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which broke out in April last year. More than nine million people have fled their homes, and everyone in the country has been affected in some way. Things are about to get worse.
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