The level of corruption of public institutions; the involvement of army personnel, police officers and government officials in extortion practices (2002-2004) [RWA42393.FE]

Information on the involvement of army personnel, police officers and government officials in extortion practices was limited among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

A 7 August 2002 report referred to the arrest and imprisonment on corruption charges of the deputy prosecutor of the city of Butare, a police investigator and a Rwandan journalist (Radio Rwanda 7 Aug. 2002). The report also indicated that the deputy prosecutor was accused of accepting a RWF100,000 bribe for the release of two detainees; the police investigator, of receiving RWF50,000 from a thief so that he would not be charged; and the journalist, of pretending to be a criminal investigator and asking for RWF100,000 from a citizen about whom he said he had incriminating information (ibid.).

Quoting a report by KPMG, an international auditing firm, a recent article indicated that "Rwanda has the lowest level of corruption in east Africa" (Reuters 9 Jan. 2004). On 3 February 2004, the BBC reported that "Rwanda enjoys a reputation of low rates of corruption, but its image was recently tainted by media reports that accused senior government officials of using their positions to acquire large bank loans." The BBC report contained no information on how these senior Rwandan officials obtained the loans.

In a background note published in October 2003, the United States Department of State cited low corruption among other favourable trends that could lead to Rwanda's economic recovery.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


BBC News. 3 February 2004. "Rwanda Cracks Down on Corruption." [Accessed 6 Feb. 2004]

Radio Rwanda [Kigali]. 7 August 2002. "Three Detained Over Corruption Charges." (BBC International Reports/Dialog)

Reuters. 9 January 2004. "Rwanda Spruces Up Image for Genocide Anniversary.",1478,2778179a12,00.html [Accessed 9 Jan. 2004]

United States. October 2003. Department of State. "Background Note: Rwanda Profile." [Accessed 9 Feb. 2004]

Additional Sources Consulted

Africa Confidential

Africa Research Bulletin


IRB Databases

Jeune Afrique/L'Intelligent

Resource Centre country file. Rwanda

Internet sites, including:



European Country of Origin Information Network (

International Crisis Group (ICG)



Transparency International

Associated documents