2023 Report on International Religious Freedom: Mali


The new constitution that came into force in July recognizes the country as secular and prohibits religious discrimination and grants individuals freedom of religion in conformity with the law. The law criminalizes abuses against religious freedom.

Civil society organizations continued to report that the transition government and security forces struggled to control violence generated by extremist groups, including those with stated religious ideologies. In August, authorities sentenced Adama Fomba, an adherent of Kemetism, to five years imprisonment for a religious offense. In February, a Bamako court sentenced the leader of Kemetism, Fakoly Doumbia, to one year’s imprisonment, including eight months suspended, for “offenses of a religious nature capable of causing disturbance to public order.” The Ministry of Religious Affairs, Worship, and Customs (MARCC) supported the High Islamic Council (HCI)’s efforts to organize conferences and workshops on countering violent extremism. In collaboration with the HCI and representatives from Catholic and Protestant churches, MARCC published preaching guidelines in January aimed at combating violent extremism. MARCC also renewed a training program for imams with the Moroccan government.

Individuals affiliated with organizations the government labels as terrorists, including organizations designated as such by the U.S. government, continued to use violence and launch attacks on civilians, security forces, peacekeepers, and others perceived as not adhering to the terrorists’ interpretation of Islam. According to media reports, on July 9, individuals affiliated with ISIS-Sahel, amputated the hands and feet of two men accused of collecting taxes falsely claimed to be on behalf of ISIS-Sahel in the local market of Inchinanane in the Menaka Region. Media outlets reported that on November 26, German Catholic priest Hans-Joachim Lohre was released after being abducted by Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), an al-Qa’ida affiliated group, in November 2022. Groups identified by authorities as extremist organizations continued to target and close government schools, ordering the transformation of some of them into Quranic schools. In the Mopti and Segou Regions, groups the authorities identified as extremist reportedly continued observing verbal “peace” agreements with local populations, with stipulations that permitted the local population to move freely throughout the area and practice their faith within prescribed limits in exchange for not challenging the groups’ territorial claims. Representatives of Caritas, the charitable arm of the Catholic Church, said extremist groups continued to force women of all faiths to wear veils in some parts of the region of Mopti. Caritas characterized these developments as signs of the growing influence of extremist interpretations of Islam in Mopti, which they believed threatened the Christian community.

Several influential imams, civil society organizations, and transition government officials continued to caution against divisive language that associated certain ethnic groups with groups of violent extremists motivated by religious ideology. The youth branch of the umbrella Fulani civil society organization, Tabital Pulaaku, held a press conference in July warning against generalizations associating the Fulani ethnic group with terrorists. Muslim, Protestant, and Catholic leaders jointly called for peace and solidarity among all faiths on religious holidays. In September, the secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Church met with representatives of the HCI.

The U.S. Ambassador and embassy officials continued to engage transition government officials, religious leaders, and human rights organizations on the importance of the long-held tradition of interfaith dialogue as a tool to bring peace to the country. Embassy officials underscored the leaders’ important role in promoting religious tolerance and freedom. In April, the Ambassador met with influential imams and women religious leaders in Bamako to highlight the role of religious leaders in confronting religious intolerance and promoting peace. In August, the Ambassador met with Cardinal Jean Zerbo, Catholic Archbishop of Bamako, to discuss the vital role of religious leaders in building peace and national cohesion. Also in August, for the International Day Commemorating Victims of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, the embassy invited members of an English-language conversation club to discuss the similarities between the United States’ and Mali’s multicultural and multireligious societies.

The U.S. government estimates the total population at 21.4 million (midyear 2023). According to the Malian transition government’s 2022 census, the population was approximately 22.4 million. According to the MARCC, Muslims constitute an estimated 95 percent of the population. Nearly all Muslims are Sunni, and most follow Sufism; however, one prominent Shia imam stated that as many as 10 percent of Muslims are Shia. Groups that together constitute less than 5 percent of the population include Christians, of whom approximately two-thirds are Catholic and one-third Protestant; adherents of Kemetism, a revival of a neo-pagan Egyptian religion that believes ancient Egyptian gods are manifestations of a supreme being known as Netjer; groups with Indigenous religious beliefs; and those with no religious affiliation. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints estimates its membership at 100 individuals. Groups adhering to Indigenous religious beliefs reside throughout the country, mostly in rural areas. Syncretic beliefs are common, with many Muslims and Christians also adhering to aspects of Indigenous beliefs. The MARCC estimates fewer than 1,000 individuals in Bamako and an unknown number outside of the capital are associated with the Dawa al-Tablig, a subgroup of Sunni Islam.



The new constitution adopted in July defines the country as a secular state, prohibits discrimination based on religion, and provides for freedom of religion, including the freedom to not engage in any religion or religious practice, in conformity with the law.

Under the penal code, any act of discrimination based on religion or impeding the freedom of religious observance or worship is punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment or 10 years’ banishment (prohibition from residing in the country). The penal code also provides that any religiously motivated persecution of a group of persons constitutes a crime against humanity.

The law requires registration of all public associations, including religious groups, except for groups practicing Indigenous religious beliefs; however, registration confers no tax preferences or other legal benefits, and there is no penalty for not registering. To register, applicants must submit copies of a declaration of intent to create an association, notarized copies of bylaws, copies of policies and regulations, notarized copies of a report of the first meeting of the association’s general assembly, and lists of the leaders of the association, with signature samples of three of the leaders. Upon review, if approved, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization (MATD) grants the certificate of registration.

MARCC is responsible for administering the national strategy for countering violent extremism, promoting religious tolerance, and coordinating national religious activities such as pilgrimages and religious holidays for followers of all religions.

The constitution prohibits public schools from offering religious instruction, but it permits private schools to do so. Privately funded madrassahs teach the standard government curriculum, as well as the tenets of Islam. Non-Muslim students in these schools are not required to attend Islamic religion classes. Private Catholic schools teach the standard government curriculum and Catholic religion classes. Non-Catholic students in these schools are not required to attend Catholic religious classes. Informal schools, known locally as Quranic schools, which some students attend in lieu of public schools, do not follow a government curriculum and offer Islamic religious instruction exclusively.

The law defines marriage as secular. Couples who seek legal recognition must have a civil ceremony, which they may follow with a religious ceremony. A man may choose between a monogamous or polygamous marriage. The religious customs of the deceased determine inheritance rights, and civil courts consider these customs when they adjudicate such cases; however, many cases are settled informally.

The country is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


On August 31, authorities sentenced Adama Fomba, also known as Bahfa, an adherent of Kemetism, to five years in prison for an offense of a religious nature. Authorities arrested Fomba in 2022 after a video circulated on social media allegedly showing him insulting Islam. In September, Fomba appealed his sentence. At year’s end, the case remained pending at the Bamako Court of Appeals. The prosecutor responsible for cybercrime cases released a statement on August 10 warning against hate speech on social media critical of other religions.

In February, a Bamako court sentenced the national leader of Kemetism, Fakoly Doumbia, to one year in prison with eight months suspended, for “offenses of a religious nature capable of causing disturbance to public order.” Doumbia and five others were detained in 2022 after Doumbia criticized MARCC Minister Mahamadou Kone for condemning a video on social media showing Mamadou Dembele, an adherent of Kemetism, stepping on a Quran.

In July, the transition government adopted a new constitution, replacing the constitution that had been in effect since 1992. The new constitution continued to prohibit religious discrimination under the law. The draft law on religion that the Council of Ministers adopted in 2021 remained pending with the Transition President’s Office at year’s end. The proposed law would enable MARCC to more easily oversee religious organizations by giving it a primary role in approving their registration applications, replacing the existing system under which the MATD alone manages the registration process and review.

MARCC, in coordination with Cardinal Zerbo, organized the annual Catholic pilgrimage to Kita, which took place November 18-19. Cardinal Zerbo, former Prime Minister Moussa Mara, and MARCC Minister Kone took part in the pilgrimage, as did members of the Union of Young Malian Muslims (UJMA). According to MARCC, in addition to providing technical assistance, the transition government continued funding travel, housing, and food for Muslims to travel to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj or for Christians’ travel to Lourdes and Kita for pilgrimage.

During the year, MARCC renewed a training program for imams on preaching what it described as moderate interpretations of Islam with the Moroccan government. MARCC signed the agreement in 2022 to train 300 imams over five years. According to the ministry, the governments of Egypt and Saudi Arabia also offered to train imams.

In January, in collaboration with the HCI and representatives from the Catholic and Protestant churches, MARCC published guidelines for sermons to combat violent extremism. MARCC developed the guidelines using the results of a 2020 study of factors influencing extremism related to religion. The UN Development Program assisted with the study.

Caritas representatives and some Protestant leaders again stated that although there were far fewer Christians than Muslims in the country, Christians did not experience unequal treatment by the transition government, and in representatives’ opinion, the transition government was adhering to the constitutional requirement to treat all religions equally. Transition government officials from MARCC continued to emphasize government practices providing for the freedom to worship and practice any religion, including the freedom to choose not to engage in religious practices, as stipulated in the constitution.

The 147-member National Transition Council (CNT), the country’s transition legislative body, included four seats reserved for representatives of three religious associations. One seat is held by a Catholic, one by a Muslim, and two by Protestants. In 2022, the HCI objected to the CNT’s decision to reserve a second seat for a Protestant member without also allocating an additional seat for a Muslim member.


Throughout the year, mostly in the central and northern regions, domestic and transnational terrorist groups (including al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb and its affiliates Ansar al-Dine, Macina Liberation Front, and al-Mourabitoune), united under the umbrella group JNIM, and the Islamic State in the Sahel (ISIS-Sahel), both U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations, continued attacks on domestic and international security forces, UN peacekeepers, civilians, and others they reportedly perceived as not adhering to their interpretation of Islam. Both JNIM and ISIS-Sahel controlled significant territory in the northern and central regions.

According to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and security experts, armed groups in some instances coopted preexisting intercommunal and ethnic tensions to further sow instability and violence; therefore, it was not possible to attribute some incidents entirely to religious motives. Several of JNIM’s public messages repeated an intent to govern the country according to sharia. According to civil society organizations and local press, terrorist groups forced populations under their control to pay taxes for local services that the groups called zakat (the traditional annual charitable contribution required of all Muslims) and enforced prohibitions on organizing local festivals, ceremonies, and listening to music. Women were often forced to wear full-face veils and body-covering clothing, and men were often forced to wear clothing that did not go past their ankles.

Civil society organizations continued to report that the transition government and security forces struggled to control the violence generated by extremist groups and that the actions of such groups limited the transition government’s capacity to govern and bring perpetrators to justice, especially in rural areas.

According to media reports, on July 9, individuals affiliated with ISIS-Sahel, based on their interpretation of sharia, imposed a penalty of amputating the hands and feet of two men accused of collecting taxes falsely claimed to be on behalf of ISIS-Sahel in the local market of Inchinanane in the Menaka region. Both men survived the amputations.

According to media reports, on November 26, German Catholic priest Hans-Joachim Lohre kidnapped in Bamako in November 2022, was released and repatriated to Germany. JNIM claimed responsibility for his kidnapping. The conditions of his release remained unclear at the end of the year.

Leaders of Caritas expressed concern about terrorist groups strengthening control of the subdistricts of Koro, Bankass, Bandiagara, and Douentza in Mopti Region following agreements signed in 2021 and earlier between the local population and armed groups. The agreements imposed taxes for local services, which the groups called zakat, and empowered terrorist and other armed groups with decision-making and territorial authority in exchange for not attacking the local population and allowing freedom of movement throughout the territory. Caritas and Protestant church leaders cited cases of women forced to wear veils, compulsory tax payments and food collection, and the conscription of men into their groups in some parts of Mopti Region as signs of the growing influence of Islam, which they viewed as a threat to Christian communities. Protestant church leaders and Caritas reported similar problems in the north and central regions, where terrorist and other armed groups imposed some of the same restrictions as those in Mopti.

Some Christian missionaries expressed concern regarding the increased influence in remote areas of organizations they characterized as violent and extremist, which the missionaries said could affect their ability to continue working in the country over the long term. Representatives from the Association of Groups of Evangelical Protestant Churches and Missions in Mali reported terrorist and other armed groups targeted persons throughout the country regardless of religious affiliation. They said the Catholic Church moved priests in terrorist-controlled Minta to different locations for their safety.

According to Caritas, most Catholic churches in the country remained open throughout the year and did not receive direct threats from extremist groups.

Islamist armed groups targeted and closed government schools that taught any curriculum not based on Islam, and many schools closed due to threats of violence or lack of adequate security. Caritas reported schools that closed in prior years due to threats of violence or conflict had not reopened. According to the UN, approximately 1,500 schools remained closed due to a lack of adequate security, affecting more than 587,000 children. Most closures occurred in the central and the northern regions of Mopti, Gao, and Menaka.

According to a Protestant pastor in Mopti, the regional branch of the Cadre for Action, Monitoring, Mediation, and Negotiation of Religious Denominations and Civil Society, a mediation and negotiation network composed of Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, and civil society leaders, continued advocacy for peace and security in the Mopti Region.

Protestant leaders noted Christians being banned from farming onions in Yorosso by local residents who believed onion farming was against their tradition and customs.

Several influential imams, civil society organizations, and transition government officials cautioned against divisive language that conflated certain ethnic groups, such as Fulani populations, with groups of violent extremists motivated by religious ideology. For example, in July, the youth branch of the umbrella Fulani civil society organization Tabital Pulaaku held a press conference warning against generalizations associating the Fulani ethnic group with terrorists.

Members of religious groups commonly attended the religious ceremonies of other religious groups, especially baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Muslim, Protestant, and Catholic leaders jointly called for peace and solidarity among all faiths at celebrations marking Christmas, the New Year, and Eid al-Fitr. In September, the secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Church and the HCI met to underscore mutual understanding and respect between the two organizations.

The U.S. embassy continued to encourage the transition government to promote interfaith dialogue and to maintain a tradition of religious tolerance. The embassy also continued to highlight the importance of countering violent extremism related to religion, including through working with the MARCC to support programs with this goal. Embassy officials worked with vulnerable communities to build their ability to address conflict, radicalization, and religious violent extremism.

The Ambassador and embassy officers continued to meet with a wide range of religious leaders and human rights organizations to promote religious tolerance and freedom, including members of the HCI and other imams, the Association of Muslim Women, Caritas, and Protestant leadership. They urged religious leaders to advocate tolerance and peace among various social and religious groups.

In April, to commemorate the beginning of Ramadan, the Ambassador met with influential imams and women religious leaders in Bamako, highlighting their role in confronting challenges, such as insecurity fueled by religious intolerance, and in promoting peace through increased civic education. The Ambassador also hosted an iftar, bringing together Muslim leaders from throughout the country. The embassy donated sugar to several mosques, religious leaders, and religious associations throughout Bamako and assisted MARCC in organizing an iftar for foreign diplomats and religious leaders.

In August, the Ambassador met with Cardinal Zerbo to discuss the important role of religious leaders in peace and national cohesion. In January, the embassy’s American Center again hosted a panel discussion with an American English teacher and Malian resident in honor of National Religious Freedom Day in the United States. The panel aimed at reinforcing participants’ understanding of religious freedom and why it is important. It also provided participants an opportunity to learn more about the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment guarantee of the fundamental freedom to openly practice one’s faith. In October, the Ambassador met with Cherif Haidara, president of the High Islamic Council, ahead of his visit to the United States, where he met with several organizations, including the U.S Institute for Peace, to discuss religious freedom in Mali.

Also in August, in connection with the International Day Commemorating Victims of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, the embassy invited members of an English-language conversation club to discuss the similarities between multicultural and multireligious societies in the United States and in Mali. Other embassy-hosted English-language conversation clubs featured discussions about religious freedom, tolerance, and community dialogue. The embassy highlighted the importance of tolerance and respect for religious diversity on its social media platforms throughout the year.