Information on whether "Muungano wa Wazalendo wa Kukomboa Kenya" is an acronym or a derogative for Mwakenya and whether the name has been in current use since 1983 or whether it was only used before independence [KEN19622.E]

According to The Draft Minimum Programme of Mwakenya, the organization started in June 1982 and the name MWAKENYA was coined on 1 February 1985 in preparation for a unity conference (ibid., Sept. 1987, 16). This source states that
Various patriotic Kenyan political organisations united and formalized MWAKENYA, (an acronym for: MUUNGANO WA WAZALENDO WA KUKOMBOA KENYA - UNION OF PATRIOTS FOR THE LIBERATION OF KENYA) (ibid., 17).

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Muungano wa Wazalendo wa Kukomboa Kenya (Union of Patriots for the Liberation of Kenya). September 1987. The Draft Minimum Programme of Mwakenya. Nairobi: Muungano wa Wazalendo wa Kukomboa Kenya (Union of Patriots for the Liberation of Kenya, pp. 16-19.


Muungano wa Wazalendo wa Kukomboa Kenya (Union of Patriots for the Liberation of Kenya). September 1987. The Draft Minimum Programme of Mwakenya. Nairobi: Kenya.