Posts tagged with “our work”

South Sudan country page available

A country page for the world’s most recent inedependent nation, the Republic of South Sudan, is now available on online!

As part of our changes to celebrate’s 10th anniversary, we are establishing a blog on which we will inform about new developments regarding’s work, important new publications* and about news in the field of COI research.

10 years of – we thank and congratulate all those involved went online in 2001. We now introduce “featured topics” for focus countries and improved the site’s performance. Look forward to further developments in the coming weeks.

New feature: Stay logged in

To facilitate access to our personalisation features, most notably the research baskets, you can now choose to “stay logged in”.

Usability Survey 2010 – Results

In September, conducted a usability survey. Click on “read more” to see how our users responded.

New feature: Articles from selected sources stored on

Texts from sources which granted us permission to do so are from now on published directly on Metadata such as publication date, suggested citation, etc are displayed in a standardised form.

10th anniversary of Informationsverbund Asyl

[continuing in German] Der Informationsverbund Asyl e.V., Gründungsmitglied von, feiert sein zehnjähriges Bestehen mit einem Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt: “Schutz für Flüchtlinge! Und für Migranten? Zum Verhältnis von Migrationspolitik und Flüchtlingsschutz” am 23. September 2009 in Berlin.

New search interface including Moderated Search

The new search interface gives you more room to formulate your search query. We also introduce a Moderated Search, based on the COI Thesaurus. This new function will help you to refine your search.

ACCORD celebrates its 10th anniversary!

The Austrian Centre for Country of Origin & Asylum Research and Documentation, the department of the Austrian Red Cross running, was founded 10 years ago. It has since provided independently, neutrally and objectively researched information on countries of origin of asylum seekers to all parties involved in refugee status determination procedures.

New Search Feature improves Relevance of Results

Our search engine now considers documents containing English and German terms related to your search terms. This will increase the number of relevant results. This has been made possible by linking a thesaurus to our search engine.

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