10th anniversary of Informationsverbund Asyl

[continuing in German] Der Informationsverbund Asyl e.V., Gründungsmitglied von ecoi.net, feiert sein zehnjähriges Bestehen mit einem Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt: “Schutz für Flüchtlinge! Und für Migranten? Zum Verhältnis von Migrationspolitik und Flüchtlingsschutz” am 23. September 2009 in Berlin.

COI Training Manual translated to Italian

With the Italian version of the COI Training Manual, translated by the Consiglio Italiano Rifugiati (CIR), the manual is now available in seven languages.

June 2009 Issue of The Researcher

The Researcher is published three times a year by the Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Ireland. It is a publication which combines academic papers, summaries of caselaw, guides to new legislation, reports of conferences, articles on RDC services and items of country of origin information.

New ACCORD report on Kurds in Turkey (German)

[continuing in German language] Der Bericht setzt sich mit Fragestellungen rund um Meinungs- und Redefreiheit, sowie Presse- und Versammlungsfreiheit in kurdischen Belangen auseinander, beleuchtet die Situation pro-kurdischer Parteien und gibt einen Überblick über die Situation von Kurden beim Wehrdienst, Ungleichbehandlungen von KurdInnen in Haft und vor Gericht, sowie über Gewalt gegen kurdische Frauen.

Cuenca Colloquium on International Refugee Law, 30 Sept.–3 Oct. 2009

Accem and The Refugee Law Reader are pleased to announce the 4th Refugee Law Colloquium to be held from 30 September till 3 October 2009. Following the success of this Colloquium over the past 3 years held in the historic Spanish city of Cuenca, the Colloquium will focus on the development of the Common European Asylum System Phase II.

New search interface including Moderated Search

The new search interface gives you more room to formulate your search query. We also introduce a Moderated Search, based on the ecoi.net COI Thesaurus. This new function will help you to refine your search.

March 2009 Issue of the Researcher

The Researcher is published three times a year by the Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Ireland. It is a publication which combines academic papers, summaries of caselaw, guides to new legislation, reports of conferences, articles on RDC services and items of country of origin information.

New ACCORD report on consciencious objection in Turkey (German)

[continuing in German lanugage only] Basierend auf einem Vortrag der türkischen Rechtsanwältin Suna Coskun vom 26. September 2008 in Wien setzt sich ein neuer Bericht von ACCORD mit Fragen rund um das Thema Wehrdienstverweigerung und Wehrpflicht auseinander.

ACCORD celebrates its 10th anniversary!

The Austrian Centre for Country of Origin & Asylum Research and Documentation, the department of the Austrian Red Cross running ecoi.net, was founded 10 years ago. It has since provided independently, neutrally and objectively researched information on countries of origin of asylum seekers to all parties involved in refugee status determination procedures.

November 2008 Issue of the Researcher

The Researcher is published three times a year by the Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Ireland. It is a publication which combines academic papers, summaries of caselaw, guides to new legislation, reports of conferences, articles on RDC services and items of country of origin information.

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