Posts tagged with “asylum statistics”

UNHCR Asylum Levels and Trends 2014 in Industrialized Countries: Highest number of asylum applications since 1992

UNHCR released statistics on the number of asylum applications in 2014 in 44 industrialized countries, showing an increase by 45 per cent compared to 2013. Syria is the top country of origin, followed by Iraq and Afghanistan.

UNHCR report says forced displacement tops 50 million for first time in post-World War II era

UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2013. the report says “the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people worldwide has, for the first time in the post-World War II era, exceeded 50 million people”.

UNHCR Asylum Levels and Trends 2013 in Industrialized Countries: Highest number of asylum applications since 2001

UNHCR released statistics on the number of asylum applications in 2013 in 44 industrialized countries, showing an increase by 28 per cent compared to 2012. Syria is now the top country of origin.

New UNHCR report says global forced displacement at 18-year high

UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2012.

UNHCR Asylum Levels and Trends 2012 in Industrialized Countries: Highest number of asylum applications since 2003

UNHCR released statistics on the number of asylum applications in 2012 in 44 industrialized countries, showing an increase by 8 per cent. The highest increase is reported for asylum requests from Syrians.

UNHCR Asylum Levels and Trends 2011 in Industrialized Countries: sharp increase in asylum applications

UNHCR released statistics on the number of asylum applications in 2011 in industrialized countries. The report covers 44 countries in Europe, North America, Australasia and north-east Asia.

UNHCR Asylum Levels and Trends 2009

UNHCR released provisional statistics on the number of asylum applications in 2009 in industrialized countries.

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