Content of the National Identity Card of Sri Lanka; format of the date of issue and date of birth (1995-2004) [LKA42576.E]

According to a representative at the High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Ottawa, the front of the National Identity Card of Sri Lanka includes: the name of the country (in Singhalese); the symbol of Sri Lanka; the ID card number; the card holder's photograph (centred); and the date of issue (13 Apr. 2004). The date of issue is written in the bottom left of the card as a two-digit year, month and day with dashes or dots between the numbers (High Commission 13 Apr. 2004). For example, the date of issue may appear as 75-12-26 or 75·12·26 (ibid.).

The reverse side of the ID card includes the following five lines of information written in the centre of the card: 1) the individual's name; 2) names other than the surname and sex; 3) the date and place of birth; 4) occupation; and 5) address (ibid.). The date of birth is written as a four-digit year and a two-digit month and day separated by dots (ibid.). For example, the date of birth should appear as 1975·12·26 (ibid.).

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection.


High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Ottawa. 14 April 2004. Interview with a representative.

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