EASO publishes 8 COI reports: on Afghanistan, Turkey and West Balkan countries

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has published an update of its COI report on the security situation in Afghanistan. EASO also published 6 country reports on West Balkan countries and one on Turkey.

The October 2016 issue of The Researcher

The Researcher is published two times a year by the Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Ireland. It is a publication which combines academic papers, summaries of caselaw, guides to new legislation, reports of conferences, articles on RDC services and items of country of origin information.

New ACCORD report on Pakistan

A new COI compilation on Pakistan has been published by ACCORD.

USDOS publishes annual report on religious freedom for 2015

The US Department of State released its annual report on international religious freedom covering 2015.

New reports on Afghanistan and Pakistan: ACCORD on Afghanistan; EASO on Pakistan; BFA Staatendokumentation on both countries

ACCORD published the documentation of a seminar with two experts on Afghanistan. EASO published a report on the security situation in Pakistan. And the COI Department of the Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum published a dossier on the foundations of the clan & tribal structure in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

UNHCR reports record level of 65,3 million displaced

UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2015. The report says the number of people forcibly displaced was 65.3 million at the end of 2015, the highest level ever recorded.

New featured topics on Turkey and on Egypt available, others updated

New featured topics on Turkey (refugees, i.e. international protection) and on Egypt (Copts) are now available. The featured topics on Afghanistan, Nigeria, the Russian Federation, and Somalia, all now dealing with the security situation, have been updated.

USDOS publishes annual report on terrorism

The US Department of State released its annual report on terrorism.

The April 2016 issue of The Researcher

The Researcher is published two times a year by the Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) in Ireland. It is a publication which combines academic papers, summaries of caselaw, guides to new legislation, reports of conferences, articles on RDC services and items of country of origin information.

UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office releases the 2015 human rights reports; UNHCR published new guidelines on Afghanistan

The UK Foreign & Commonewalth Office released its annual report on human rights in selected countries, covering 2015. UNHCR published new Eligibility Guidelines on Afghanistan.

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