USDOS publishes annual report on religious freedom for 2014

The US Department of State released its annual report on international religious freedom covering 2014.

The ACCORD COI training manual is now also available in Spanish

The revised edition of the training manual “Researching Country of Origin Information“, published by ACCORD in 2013, is now available in Spanish. We thank UNHCR for commissioning the translation.

New ACCORD report on religious and ethnic minorities in Iran; new FFM report on Pakistan by the Austrian federal COI unit

A new 84 pages COI report on Iran has been published by ACCORD. And the COI department of the Austrian Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum has published a report on a fact-finding mission to Pakistan.

Guest post: COI on Eritrea

The following is a guest post by Elisa Mason, originally published on the Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog.

EASO publishes COI report on Pakistan

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has published a COI report on Pakistan.

Style Guide of CEDOCA, Belgium

The Belgian COI unit CEDOCA published a Style Guide for its COI products.

New ACCORD report on Iran

A new COI report on Iran has been published by ACCORD.

US Department of State releases the 2014 human rights reports

The US Department of State released its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, covering 2014.

USDOS publishes annual report on terrorism, Freedom House publishes Nations in Transit

The US Department of State released its annual report on terrorism and Freedom House published its annual Nations in Transit.

UNHCR reports biggest increase of forced displacement ever seen in a single year

UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2014. The report says the number of people forcibly displaced was 59.5 million at the end of 2014, the highest level ever recorded.

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